Red potato salad that someone had in facebook. It's made for tonight but I tasted it and tastes great.
Lemon Lima beans recipe. I added extra lemon juice.
Cotton wood tree has been letting it's wool fly around and it's annoying because it attaches itself to every flower or vegetable plants in the garden.
I gathered 5 different types of grasses here and made a bouquet.
close out of prairie grass
Bouquet of 5 different grasses
Our impatience is doing well potted, I have a few more that aren't doing as well as this pot.
The table runner was hand embroidered in Linen by a friend in Brazil years ago.
These Hostas were planted here by the person who used to live here...they are blooming well.
African daises. A friend gave a small plant and now it's big and I will need to check and see when to dived them since they spread.
These are blooming nicely this year
From the backyard looking to towards the park
Lazagna and this time made with some chard between layers instead of spinach like I usually do.