Saturday, June 29, 2019

End of June

Hard to believe June has come to an end. Summer is here! I hardly have had time to work on my projects. Busy with weddings and baptisms.
I did work a bit on the blue shawl, the most beautiful part of that is the border at the end and I can hardly wait to finish that.

  The bride, groom and her mom on left. It was a beautiful wedding.

 Remember when I finished this? Someone in the family wants me to make one for her!!

This salad was yummy!! Recipe here.

 I know this is not a good photo but I was sooo excited about seeing this beautiful bird!! Is it a bluebird?
 After seeing this book all over people's blog I got a used copy.

I know it's Juvenal literature but I like to read these light books sometimes...a contrast to husband who finished reading all of  Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
 My son asked me to make shortcake so I did and he liked it.

 Mashed squash with butter and on top sprinkle brown sugar and freshly ground nutmeg. Place some butter and warm on oven till butter is melted and it looks ready.

 Simple salad to go with fish dinner.
 This time of the year we eat fresh fish.

 Soaking for tomorrow.
 Growing in a corner of the yard by the house. It's pretty but not edible.

 This building is so incredibly old! I like this simple design.

 It was so windy when I took this photo, you can "see" the wind.
Hope you're enjoying your Summer. Let me what are doing this Summer. Now we're travelling to spend the 4th of July with family. Take care and may many blessings come your way!!


  1. Lovely summer photos, Angela!
    We are enjoying lovely weather sitting on the deck, walking in the mornings, and cooking summer meals.
    Have a great trip!

  2. So many summery items in this post, Angela. The salads, flowers, June wedding, the birds. The blue bird you captured was a blue jay. They are such interesting birds!

    We are having a week at a beach house with our daughter and the kids next month. Other than that, we are staying on the island, hiking and having picnics, some of our favourite things to do.

  3. Good heavens the food you have posted makes me hungry. Looks so delicious! The fresh fish is a favorite of mine. Mom used to have fish every Friday for us. I like to do the same.
    Those blue jays are rascals. I have seen the swoop down on cats who got too close to their nests. They swoop down and pull at their hair. One was building a nest near a neighbors mail box and came after her squawking and flapping their wings.

  4. Oh dear your food is so COMPELLING :)

    i am feeling hungry to see such delicious looking dishes and recipes ,excellent and wonderful!

    shawl is absorbingly gorgeous ,blue is fascinating through your knitting my friend specially the border is splendid

    wedding images are lovely ,wishing the couple HAPPY DAYS AHEAD,amen!

    reading is truly a joy when there is time to do , your hubby and you both have chosen wonderful reads

    Oh these delightful flowers beautified my day ,such blessing and glory of nature to have around

  5. Just love the flower pics, so sorry for not visiting this year, have been over committed time wise and will be for a few more months.
